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Schedule, Live CE Webinars, Designations, and More


Protect Your Agency, Get a Quote, Risk Management Tools, and More


Locate an Arizona Trusted Choice Insurance Agency


Frequently Requested Arizona Laws on Fees, Cancellations, and More


Markets for Your Agency

IIABAZ Members get access to Big I Alliance, Auto & Home Standard and Non-Standard, Personal Umbrella, Home Business, Flood, Jewelry, Recreational Marine, Recreational Vehicle, Mexico Insurance, Travel Insurance, Commercial, Small Commercial, Cyber Insurance, Bonds, Habitational, Life Insurance, and more with no obligations and retain the ownership of the expirations.[+]

Free Agency Marketing and Resources

Trusted Choice is designed to amplify your local marketing and highlight the value that independent insurance agents bring to consumers. IIABAZ members get free access to materials that will benefit your business, provide you with consumer leads, and enhance your bottom line. Guides available on Hard Market Toolkit, Google Business Optimization, AI Marketing and more.[+]

Surplus Lines Licensing and Information

An introduction to Surplus Lines (primer) including how the markets are regulated; Licensing Requirements, Licensing Applications, and Study Materials for the Licensing Exam; the Surplus Line Association of Arizona's website details; and Q&As on Surplus Line Fees.[+]

E&O Do's and Don'ts When There is a Claim

Under most professional liability insurance policies a “claim” arises when you first become aware of a proceeding, event or development which could result in liability for you. A claim includes a lawsuit, a regulatory complaint, a request for mediation or arbitration and a demand for money or services.[+]
IIABAZ Members and Associate Members are invited to attend the Association's Quarterly Board Meetings where the Officers and Board of Directors jointly oversee the activities and direction of the organization and the Committee Chairs review their activities. There is no registration fee, however you must RSVP to attend. [+]
Join us in 2025 for a one-of-a-kind event and get up to speed on the many legislative, regulatory and legal challenges happening to your profession right now. Hear from industry leaders and spend time meeting with your legislators in Washington, D.C. [+]
IIABAZ will be presenting a MarshBerry Producer Academy on May 13-14, 2025 at our location in Phoenix. Same program as their Producer Academy in Chicago. Save on travel and registration is 60% off. Producers are given the knowledge, inspiration and tools to reach their full potential. [+]

How Top Agencies Are Automating Social Media

Social Jazz makes social media easy.[+]

ACT Letter to the Industry: AI

The Big “I” Agents Council for Technology (ACT) letter features insights on the current state and future impact of artificial intelligence.[+]

ACT Releases Updated Disaster Planning Guide

Download the Big “I” Agents Council for Technology (ACT) guide for tools to protect your business and serve your clients in a crisis.[+]


Home IIABAZ is the premier association for independent agents, representing agents and their employees in Arizona