AZ Licensing and P&C Exam Information
An insurance producer (formerly known as an insurance agent or insurance broker) is an individual or business authorized to sell, solicit or negotiate insurance.
Who Must Be LicensedYou can only sell, solicit or negotate a line of insurance in Arizona if you are licensed as an insurance producer for that line of authority. If you are involved in the sale, solicitation or negotation of insurance, you must be licensed as an insurance producer.
Exceptions are outlined in ARS 20-283. License Application Requirements Not everyone qualifies for an insurance license. The Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions can deny a license for any cause listed in ARS 20-295. You should review this statute before deciding to spend the time, effort and money to apply for a license. If you apply for a license, you must truthfully and completely answer questions asked on the application, and you may need to provide additional documentation.
General Requirements: 1. Individuals must be at least 18 years old.
2. Maintain a principal place of business. You must have and maintain a location where you keep usual and customary records pertaining to transactions under your license.
3. Pass Licensing Exam (Not required for limited-line travel insurance producer license, or Arizona Non-Residents in good standing with their home state, or New Arizona Residents who submit their application within 90 days of canceling their insurance license in former home state with a clearance letter from that state.)
4. Submit Fingerprints (Not required for Arizona Non-Residents.)
5. Submit proper application and fees including fingerprint card processing fees (if required).
Producer Licensing Application Click Here for Insurance Producer License Application Information.
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