"Eaton & Associates has always been responsive to the needs of our community –we’ve been blessed with great success in our 32 years in business and it’s been easy to “write a check” for causes we believe in.
We changed our approach in 2012, and decided to have our feet follow the money! We established a Community Outreach Committee, led by Cindy Akins and Roy Rose, and have kicked off a new volunteering wing at Eaton called “The Philadelphians” because we want to be known by our love for our brethren in the community.
The plan is to strengthen our relationship with both Phoenix Rescue Mission & UMOM by dovetailing our financial support with hands on help.
First on the agenda was a visit by the entire E&A Staff to the UMOM New Day Center to tour the facilities and serve lunch to the resident guests in November. It was a tremendous undertaking but well worth it. Sometimes you can’t put into words how remarkable and rejuvenating an experience like this can be, but Roy found a way to do that with his report that began, “What a BLESSED day today is.” His experience started at the front door when he met a family in the lobby while we were signing in. He learned that Manny has experience running a warehouse and driving a forklift, but that he was looking to do ANY type of job. Maria has applied for a spot in the UMOM Culinary School. Both kids are honor students and on the Principal’s List. This is a real family with real needs. We met many Manny’s and Maria’s during our visit and we felt like we were being part of the solution, if only for a brief time and if only for something as humble as serving lunch.
We followed up our Thanksgiving UMOM visit with sponsorship of 2 Phoenix Rescue Mission families for Christmas. It’s a labor of love to shop, assemble, gift wrap and delivers food, toys and clothes for these families. It is our turn to serve then and it is our privilege to serve. We are excited about our new direction."